Backing up UCM or Application Server

Questions have been coming in regards to the process of backing up a UCM or Application server for an upgrade to R9.  While this is mostly the same as a Windows upgrade, there are a few different steps.

First you are going to need an SSH client, to connect to the server.  I like Filezilla, but the choice is yours.

First lets backup Voicemail Pro.

You will need to set up your connection to the UCM/APP Server, below are the settings:

Host:  IP Address of the server
Username: Administrator (older units default used “web”)
Protocol:  SFTP or SSH
Port:  22
Password:  Administrator (older units default used “webcontrol”)

Once you connect, you will be at the default directory for whatever user you connected as.  You will need to go to the root directory…

In the remote site entry, erase everything except the “/”, or at the top folder where it says filename, double click on that, until you are at the top level directory (root directory)

Backup UCM1

Once you are root, you will see the “opt” folder.  Double click on that, and then the “VMPro” folder as well.  Once there, you will see the “Wavs” folder.  (see just like Windows now) I prefer to just back the entire folder up.  So on your SSH client, select (usually on the left) your directory on the computer that you will save the “Wavs” folder to.  Then you can drag it over to your PC directory or right click on it to download.  Or, if you are a pro, just copy the folders that you might need.

Now, the second part of the Vociemail backup is to copy the “mdb” call flows.  In Voicemail Pro Client, press FILE>IMPORT/EXPORT.  Select EXPORT, and next.  Then select where you want to save the database, and make sure that the other selection indicates that you want to export the entire database (mdb).

That concludes the VM Pro backups.

Now on to 1-x Portal.

Browse to your 1xp AFA panel…

AFA Login1


The username, is “Superuser”

The password, if never changed (come on man, you should) is “MyFirstLogin1_0”

On the left, browse to, “DB Operations” and click Backup. 

AFA Backup

Name your file in the “filename” field.  I like to use the date as well…

Now select, “Local Drive”. and click BACKUP.  By selecting local drive, it saves it in a temp folder, then allows you to download it later.  You might want to make sure that POP Up Blocker is turned off on your browser, as when done saving, it gives a pop up to download….

Now you have everything backed up.

Go here to upgrade the UCM (or the Application Server)

Go here to learn how to restore those backups.

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