R9 Mobility (VoIP setup)

With IP Office Release 9, Avaya made some enhancements to the mobility client (video here). 

If you followed the following tutorial, on setting up Preferred Mobility on 8.1, you are half way there.  Once that you have the Preferred mobility set up, you can follow these next steps, to get the VoIP portion set up to take full advantage of the new features.


First, we need to go into the IP Office and enable some features.

We need to turn on the “SIP Remote Extension Enable” by ticking the box in the LAN1 (or LAN2, but not both)>VoIP tab



We also need to set our IP Offices SIP domain.  For a single server edition install, this could be the same FQDN we used for the One-X Preferred Mobility App.  If multiple servers, we need a new Domain for the IPO separate from the One-x domain.



In that same window, we also need to set what ports we want to use for SIP, by default, remote UDP/TCP/TLS ports are 5060, 5060, 5061. Later we will  be adding these to the port forwarding table at the corporate router.



Still in that same window, configure your RTP port number range (NAT). These ports are shared by H323 remote worker, SIP remote worker and public SIP trunks. Later we will  be adding these to the port forwarding table at the corporate router.



Make sure that you have a DNS server set.  This can be a public domain server (as long as you have a default route to the internet set) or a local domain server.



Configure Public IP Address. This is the public IP address of the corporate router. This address can be either discovered using a public STUN server or manually provisioned.



When H323 Remote Extn or SIP Remote Extn are turned on but “Public IP Address” is zero, Manager shows a warning sign to indicate an invalid IP address. If “Public IP Address” is saved as zero, then no local NAT traversal is supported.



That is all for now.  We do need to configure the users though.  So lets assign our users power user, making sure that the tick box for “Enable VoIP” is checked before we save our changes.



Now that we have the IPO rebooting, we can look at the firewall.  From the previous post, we should have the following already opened and forwarded to the One-X Portal server:
TCP 5222 XMPP traffic
TCP 8444 Bootstrap REST API call traffic (One-X Portal traffic)
TCP 5269 For XMPP federation (needs to be opened to federate One-X Portals chat and presence with external XMPP servers outside the company firewall)

The following ports will need to be opened and forwarded to the One-X Portal server as well: (all for 1xp)
TCP 8063 
TCP 8443
TCP 9443

In addition to the One-X Portal ports, the following ports will need to be opened and forwarded to the IP Office IP address.
TCP/UDP 5060 for SIP (Manager->LANx->VoIP->SIP Registrar Enable->Remote UDP/TCP/TLS Port)
UDP 54000-54500 RTP (Manager->LANx->VoIP->RTP->Port Number Range (NAT))


By default VoIP is disabled, but your 3 options in the APP are:
Never – Disables VoIP
Wi-Fi only – Automatically enables VoIP when mobile is connected over Wi-Fi network.
Always – Enables VoIP regardless of data connection type

Once you enable your VoIP option, you should be ready to connect.  When you do connect, you will see the handset icon across the (top on Android & bottom on iPhone) turn solid green.  (see Android pic below)



If you can not connect, your client will show an error sign, and on Android, you will see a yellow triangle. (Android pic below)



Below are the status indicators in addition to being connected (shown 2 pictures above):




This indicates VoIP Pre-requisites not met.




Pre-requisites met, but VoIP disabled.


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