Setting up One-X Portal for the Preferred Mobility Application

A common request is “How do I set up the Preferred Mobility client”? The intent of this guide is to show the necessary steps to configure. Please refer to the Avaya One-X Mobile Preferred for IP Office guide for complete installation information.

Setting up the new One-X Mobile Preferred app is easy and straight-forward. If the One-X Portal server will be behind a firewall, TCP port forwarding will need to be set up.

Setting Up Mobile Preferred Client

1.) The first step is to create an FQDN (definition here). The app needs to connect to the FQDN via 3G or wifi service.

There are many services online that can set up an FQDN for you:  (no longer Free)

Some are free, some charge yearly fees. Another option for some business partners would be if you can create a subdomain from your web site, and forward that . (EX:



2.) Once you create the FQDN, you will forward that to the WAN IP, where the One-X Portal server is (your office – This programming is done in the administration of the DNS hosting company.



3.) Now, that the packets will be redirected by the DNS host, to the WAN IP, we need to forward the necessary packets on the firewall to the One-X Portal server. This will usually be the main sticking point. The ports that the One-X Portal uses for the Mobility app are:

TCP 5222 XMPP traffic

TCP 8444Bootstrap REST API call traffic (One-X Portal traffic)

TCP 5269For XMPP federation (needs to be opened to federate One-X Portals chat and presence with external XMPP servers outside the company firewall)



4.) Now that the traffic has entered the LAN, we need to set the FQDN, as our XMPP chat server.

To do this, log into One-X Portal as the administrator. Navigate to: Configuration>IM Presence. In the “XMPP Domain” field, enter the FQDN you created in step one. Press save. You will need to then stop and re-start One-X portal services.





To verify that the FQDN is set up and forwarding to the correct place, ping the FQDN. You should get responses from the WAN IP that it is forwarded to:


>PING ( 56 data bytes

>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=47 time 31.271 ms

>64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time 31.828 ms

>64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=47 time 29.587 ms

>64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=47 time 36.046 ms

>— ping statistics —

>4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0.0% packet loss

>round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 29.587/32.183/36.046/2.378 ms

To verify the ports are opened on the router/firewall properly, you can use many free port scan tools on the internet, or APP’s on Android or Apple devices.

With You can enter the port number you want to test, and it will verify that the port is opened or closed.



Now that you are done and have this working, you could go and perform a few more steps to get the R9 VoIP features working…….Click Here..

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