How to set up Overlap Dialing in Voicemail Pro

Sometimes it will come up that a customer wants to use a certain selector code, that interferes with the dialing plan.  I don’t know if there is a technical term, so from this moment on, I will refer to it as “Overlap Dialing”.  So, to go along with this massively creative title, we will discuss how we can overcome this obstacle.

Below is a generic Auto Attendant.  Note that the extensions are in the 2XXX range.


So, as you see, anyone that dials an extension that begins with a 2, it transfers to the appropriate user.  But, what if we need to set up a selector code, that allows the button press of 2, to transfer to the Group, “Service”.

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Changing Auto Attendant Greetings in Voicemail Pro – Easy Way

Avaya IP Office manuals are awesome, in that there are lots of them.  But sometimes the simple things, are the hardest to do.  With Voicemail Pro, there is no default way to modify a greeting for an Auto Attendant or Queue greeting.  So, first we will run through a quick and easy way to modify greetings.

As you can see in the below illustration, you just need to create a menu action, and add selector codes for whichever amount of greetings you want to modify.  Here we have a fairly simple install, a Day greeting, Night Greeting and a single Queue greeting.

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Upload .wav files to Linux VM Pro installations

With Avaya’s IP Office having the ability to install Vociemail Pro and One-X Portal for IP Office, on a Linux server (including the Unified Communications Module) the question comes up a lot; “How do i transfer my wav files to VM Pro?”  The reverse question of that is also, “How do i back up my files?”

So lets run through that.  First off, we need an SSH client, i prefer Filezilla.  Its free and easy, and works on MAC (yay).

After you download it, you will need to make a connection.  For today’s exercises, we will do so on a UCM, at IP address,  So at the top of the Filezilla window, in the HOST box, enter your IP Address.  Username and password are the same as web control.  In the PORT box, enter 22 (SFTP port).  Then, just press enter and it will authenticate.

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How do i change the name of a phone in IP Office?

  • Open Manager.(if you dont know, see Opening Manager Config)
  • Click on Users.
  • Click on the User’s name.
  • Retype the User’s new name in both Name and Full Name fields.  The name tab should be first initial and last name with no spaces.  The full name should be the first and last with a space between.
  • Under the Voicemail tab, delete all star’s in the password field (this will have no password for the new User, so simply press # when prompted for password.)
  • Click OK when changes are finished.
  • Save the configuration.(if you dont know, see Saving Config)
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    How do i open a config in IP Office?

    To do basic administration in IP Office, we would use a GUI application called Manager.  Usually it is installed on the PC running Voicemail Pro.

    The default location is “C:All Programs/Avaya/IP Office/Manager/Manager.exe”.

    Once you run that program, as it comes up, it will scan the sub-net or look for the specific IP address you entered last time it was used.  If that works, you will see a pop up of your IP Office, or all of your IP Offices.

    Select the IP office you desire to make changes to, and click OK in the bottom right corner.  At this point you will be prompted for a username and password.  While the installers might have changed this, the default is: Administrator/Administrator.

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    How do I save Changes in IP Office Manager

    Click on the disk icon (3rd from left on toolbar).

    Click OK to upload the new configuration and enter username and password.

    *****Note, there will be instances where some of the changes require a reboot for the changes to take effect.  When the reboot window pops up, your choices are:

    • MERGE – Changes saved, no one knows that changes were made (No reboot)
    • IMMEDIATE – Will reboot immediately.  (Will end all calls without warning)
    • WHEN FREE – Will reboot when everyone is off the phone
    • TIMED – You can then set a specific time that the system will reboot.  NOT RECOMMENDED, as you will not know if the reboot happened or if the system comes up again.
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  • How do I change Voicemail Password in IP Office

    To Change Voicemail Passwords: 
    • Open Manager
    • Click on Users
    • Click on the User’s name.
    • Click on the Voicemail tab.
    • Enter temporary password in field.  Or leave blank (this will have no password for the User, so simply press # when prompted for password.)  If you enter a new password, the User will be prompted to change the password when they log in.
    • Click OK when changes are finished.
    • Save the configuration.
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    Backup Voicemail WITH Voicemail to Email

    In a previous post, we chatted about setting a backup Voicemail server.  But, once you do so, because of some requirements, you may break Voicemail to email.  Lets discuss how we can cure this, and do both.

    In setting up the Voicemail Pro Failover in Linux/server Voicemail pro, the syncing SMTP service needs to be the top entry.  The subsequent entries then would be our SMTP to the email server for Voicemail to Email.

    We need to add our entry into the Voicemail Pro client, so open the client and go to: Administration>Preferences>General and go to the EMAIL tab.  Once there, go to the SMTP Sender tab.  To add a new entry, click on the Green Plus sign.

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