Manually set time for Avaya IP Office

Manually Setting the System Time in IP Office

For IP Office systems without access to a time server, a number of methods to manually set the system time exist. These are available in the IP Office 4.1+. The following method is only supported on these phones: 2410, 2420, 4412, 4424, 4612, 4624, 4610, 4620, 4621, 5410, 5420, 5610, 5620, 5621, 6412, 6424. It is supported on any analog, T3, T3 IP or wireless (IP DECT, 3600, 3700 Series) phones.

Note: If the IP Office system that is still configured for automatic time updates (on by default), any manually set time and date will be overridden on the next automatic update. The use of automatic updates can be disabled by setting the System | System | Time Server IP Address to

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8.1 Server Edition

Looking at the new Server Edition, most installers are a bit “nervous”.  Relax, there is nothing to be nervous about.  In its most simplistic form, there are only 3 (new) parts to 8.1 Server Edition.

First, you need to have a server.  The 2 options are:

HP DL360G7 – 12 Gig RAM, 300 Gig Raid drive(dual), dual hot swappable power supplies, and dual quad core processors (2.4Ghz).

HP DL120G7 – 12 Gig RAM, 250 Gig hard drive (single), single power supply, single quad core processor (3.1 Ghz)

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Setting up Merlin Legend for Voicemail

Setting up Merlin Legend for Voicemail

Assign voicemail ports to Calling Group 770

System Programming>Exit>Extensions>More>Group Calling>Members>Dial 770>Enter Extension numbers to assign.

Assign Calling Group 770 as Integrated VMI Group Type

System Programming>Exit>Extensions>More>Group Calling>More>Group Type>Dial 700>Press Integrated VMI for change.

Assign Lines/Pools to be answered by AA, to Voicemail Extensions

System Programming>Exit>Extensions>More>Group Calling>Line/Pool>Dial 770>Press line/pool keys to assign.

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Connect Voysys Voicemail to Merlin phone system

Quick Reference Guide To Voysys Connecting Voysys To The Merlin System

1 -Please read and understand the Voysys System Reference manual in its entirety before installing a Voysys for the first time.

2-Verify that there are enough available station and line ports on the Merlin system to make the required connections to the Voysys. Additional station and/or line boards may be necessary in order to install the Voysys.

3-Make all necessary programming changes to the Merlin system before connecting to the Voysys.

4-Merlin 410, Merlin 820 Classic, and Merlin Plus systems must use station 10 in the first Voysys emulation jack. The Voysys emulates a 34-button deluxe attendant station programmed to its default condition in order to properly light station message lights, and initiate voice announce intercom calls to the correct station.

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Startalk programming

Quick Reference Guide For Startalk

Configuration (Initial setup)
1 – Feature 983
2 – Pswd = 266344
3 – DN length: = 2 or 3 (matches length of station numbers)
4 – Bilingual = YES or NO
5 – Primary lang = Eng or Spa
6 – Group lists = Y or N
7 – Glist lead dig:9 = OK or CHNG to different leading digit
8 – System config = OK or RETRY to re-enter configuration data
9 – Configuring . . . Wait 5-10 minutes for configuration to complete

Business Status
1 – Feature 982
2 – Pswd: OPERATOR (67372867)
3 – Atdt avail: Y or N if live attendant is available for dial ‘0’ from auto attendant.
4 – Business open: Y or N (If Y then company greetings 1-3, 5-7, 9-11 or 13-15 will play depending on the business schedule. If N then company greeting 4 (Business closed) greeting plays.)
5 – Answer lines: Y or N (Auto attendant answering status.)
6 – Atdt: Press CHNG to change attendant (dial ‘0’ from auto attendant)

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Startalk Flash v1-1.7

Quick Reference Guide For

Startalk Flash V1.0-V1.7

Configuration (Initial setup)
1 – Feature 983
2 – Pswd = 266344
3 – Bilingual = YES or NO
4 – Primary lang = Eng or Fre
5 – Group lists = Y or N
6 – Glist lead dig:9 = OK or CHNG to different leading digit
7 – System config = OK or RETRY to re-enter configuration data
8 – Configuring . . . = Wait about 5 seconds for configuration to complete

Business Status
1 – Feature 982
2 – Pswd: OPERATOR (67372867)
3 – Atdt avail: Y or N if live attendant is available for dial ‘0’ from auto attendant.
4 – Business open: Y or N (If Y then company greetings 1-3 or 5-7 will play depending on the business schedule. If N then company greeting 4 or 8 (Business closed) greeting plays.)
5 – Answer lines: Y or N (Auto attendant answering status.)
6 – Atdt: Press CHNG to change attendant DN (dial ‘0’ from auto attendant)

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Startalk Flash v1.9-2.1

Quick Reference For Startalk Flash V1.9-V2.1

Activate Feature Codes
1 – Feature 903
2 – Codes: F980-F989 – Press OK
3 – Exit

Configuration (Initial setup)
1 – Feature 983
2 – Pswd = 266344
3 – Serial number is displayed. Press OK
4 – Key: – Press OK
3 – Bilingual = YES or NO
4 – Primary lang = Eng or Fre
5 – Group lists = Y or N
6 – Glist lead dig:9 = OK or CHNG to different leading digit
7 – System config = OK or RETRY to re-enter configuration data
8 – Configuring . . . = Wait about 5 seconds for configuration to complete

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Troubleshooting Legend/Magix T1 issues

PRI TROUBLESHOOTING- D Channel Inoperative

1)    Check Permanent alarm table for any other T carrier related alarms (i.e., DS1 loss of  Signal). If present trouble shoot those alarms. (See Errors below)
2)    Verify the status of the network and the DTE on the CSUs  LEDs. Troubleshoot
accordingly if either side shows a problem . (On 3160/3164 CSU, verify that the LEDs are assigned to DTE.
3)   Verify that the CSU channels are mapped and Programmed for DATA
4)   Verify that the CO (Central Office) switch selection in the PRI programming is correct i.e., B8ZS/ESF
5)   Verify that the Magix TEI is set for 0 ( Lines/Trunks>PRI>Protocol>TEI.)
6)   Demand Test the 100d module
7)   If the T carrier is set to AMI, verify that the CO (Central Office) has inverted the D-channel
8)   Attempt to reset the PRI by disconnecting the cable at the 100D, wait 1 minute and then reconnect the cable
9)   Run the CSU Loop back test to a 103 loop back or loop back plug towards the Magix at the Smart jack
10) Verify that the Technician , while programming, did not program the PRI, then reprogram the T1 and then reprogram back to PRI. If so, system erase the Magix and re program the PRI and retest.
11) Cycle Power on the Magix
12) Verify the configuration of the CO (Central Office ) switch with the CO Technician
A)    If the CO is a 5ESS make sure they are running ATT Custom
B)    If the CO is a DMS 100 and/or DMS 250 make sure they have Variant= NTNAPRI, (L1 flags in Trunk Sub Group = Yes) If set to ‘NO’ the D channel will act problematic.
   C)    If DSX600E make sure Profile =p250.
13) Have the CO restart the PRI and determine why the D channel didn’t come up.
14) Verify the continuity for the T by having the CO run a stress test to a loop back at the CSU
15) Replace the 100d
16) Replace the Processor
17) At  this point the problem has to be a Network issue.

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Merlin Legend/Magix Initial PRI setup.

Quick programming for Merlin Legend/Magix, for setting up a PRI.  That has been floating around the internet for awhile, and I forget whom should get credit for it.  Once set up, if you need troubleshooting help, see this post.

Switch must be on Hybrid Mode

1. Set Frame Format to Extended Super Frame
Lines Trunks=>LS/GS/DS1=>enter slot + Enter =>Frame Format=>Extended Super Frame=>Enter.

2. Set Suppression
Lines Trunks=>LS/GS/DS1=>enter slot + Enter =>Suppression=>B8ZS=>Enter.

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