IPOA Configuration Issue


When setting up the IPOA image, we deploy an ISO or OVA image, then we log into admin and convert from IP Office Server Edition, to IPOA.

There is an issue with 9.0.800-941, where part way through the process, you get an error that stops the process altogether…lets take a look and fix it….

Not sure what release this is or will be fixed in…..

After you have the image installed, you see IP Office installed, as shown by all the services running.


Next, we need to uninstall the “IP Office” package.


Then we need to install the “IP Office Demo” package.  So far this all works fine.


The next step should be to install the “IP Office Default Demo Config” package, but when we do, we get the following:


The issue is that the package will not install.  So we will need to coax it a bit.  To coax it, we need to use an SSH client or the virtual screen, or better yet, the keyboard and monitor…

We will log into “root” and enter the root password, then we are left with a screen like the below.


We then need to type the following command to change the directory (remove the quotes AND it is CASE sensitive):

“cd /var/www/html/avaya/uws/9.0.300-*/Linux/UWS_repository/apps/i386”

Once done, the cursor should be at:

[root@HOSTNAME i386]


Now we need to manually execute the install of the demo config.  Run this command (remove the quotes and this is CASE Sensitive):

“Rpm -ivh –force demo-default-config-*.el6.i586.rpm”  (Please note, due to the web sites formatting, before the “force” there should be 2 dashes, not 1.  Apologies for issues.  It should be formatted the same as the picture below.)


Once done, and successful, you will see that One-XPortal is being stopped, and that the packages are being installed.


The final part will show that One-X is restarting and bring you back to the command prompt.


We can now log out, and because we were successful, you will see that the IP address has changed to that of an IPOA,


Now lets go back into the web-manager and go to the list of packages, located in the “Platform>Updates” tab.  As you will see, the “IP Office DemoDefaultConfig” is installed….

BOOM!!!!    WE DONE!!!!



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