Send a message to a group of people in Voicemail Pro

Sometimes you need to send a message to a bunch of recipients.  You have 2 options if using Voicemail Pro.

Users Personal Distribution List (Intuity Mode ONLY).

In 9.0, VM Pro can modify users distribution lists. (in pre 9.0 systems, you can only modify on the mailbox using the TUI)  Each user can have 20 Distribution lists, and each list can have up to 360 mailboxes in it.  These lists can be public (can be used by anyone) or private (Used by everyone, but only the owner can modify the list.).

Log into the Voicemail Pro Admin client. Click the name of the server in the upper right and go to Users.  Find the user you wish to create a Distribution list for, and right click, then “MailBox Details”.  Select the Personal Distribution lists tab.  Here you can name it, and add users.

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Hunt Groups Explained

Hunt Groups are used to manage calls and can be setup in a variety of ways.

  • By default, a hunt group 200 called Main is created with the first 10 users as members.
  • To add a new Group, click the top-right folder icon ipofoldsm
  • Different call schemes are available and extensions can be added or removed as required.
  • There are also options for call overflow, options for Fallback, voicemail and recording.
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    Set/Show IP address for IP Office

    Although normally done from within the the Manager program, you can also display or change the IP adresss of either LAN port via the RS232 (DTE) Maintenance port on the back of the IP Office. They may be instances where this is useful.

    DTE Port Settings:

    • Access to the DTE port requires a (straight) serial cable between your PC/Laptop and the IP Office.
    • Configure PuTTY, HyperTerminal, etc, for serial as follows: 38,400 – 8 – N – 1 – None – VT100


    Enter the following commands (in bold) when the IPOffice is up and running:

    at OK at-debug <IPOffice Manager Version 0.2> Wed 26/2/2014 10:27:58, Hello>updatelanCurrent LAN1: ipaddr: mask: (LAN port) Current LAN2: ipaddr: mask: (WAN port) Enter which lan interface (lan1 or lan2): lan1 (or hit enter to leave unchanged)Enter IP address (a.b.c.d): IP mask (a.b.c.d): default gateway (yes or no)? Start WriteConfig at f7e0969c, savemode SaveNormal, writetype ToFlash Start WriteConfig at f7e0969c, savemode SaveNormal, writetype ToFile : :Configuration has been saved. Reboot now (yes or no)? no (enter to 'yes' to reboot system immediately)Issue the 'reboot' command later. Wed 26/2/2014 10:28:51, Hello>

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    Reset Security Passwords in IP Office

    Passwords can be reset to default values via the RS232 (DTE) Maintenance port on the back of the IP Office.

    DTE Port Settings:

    • Access to the DTE port requires a (straight) serial cable between your PC/Laptop and the IP Office.
    • Configure PuTTY, HyperTerminal, etc, for serial as follows: 38,400 – 8 – N – 1 – None – VT100


    Enter the following commands (in bold) when the IPOffice is running normally. (Do no press ESC during startup!):

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    DTE Port Programming

    This procedure will allow you to reconfigure an Avaya IP Office back to factory defaults if you don’t know the units IP Address or password using the DTE serial port on the back of an IP Office Control Unit.


    The DTE port on the back of an IP Office Control Unit is not normally used when configuring an IP Office system. However the DTE port can be used to erase the system’s operational software and/or configuration if necessary.

    Due to the drastic nature of these actions they should only be performed if absolutely necessary to return a system back to working order. In either case you must ensure that you have a backup copy of the system configuration.

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    Set up System Speed dials on Norstar

    Setting up System speed dials is not very hard.

    To enter a programming session, follow the next few simple steps:

    1) Press FEATURE * * 2 6 6 3 4 4

    2) Enter Password: 2 6 6 3 4 4

    Display will read: ” Terminals & Sets”

    Using the navigation keys, as displayed below, follow the next simple steps:


    3) Press: NEXT

    Display will read: “Lines”

    4) Press: Next

    Display will read: “Services”

    5) Press: Next

    Display will read: “System Speed Dial”

    7) Press: Show

    Display will read: “Speed dial #:__”

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    Norstar Programming feature codes

    Below is a list of the codes for use on a Norstar system.

    FEATURE* 0Button Inquiry (identify unmarked buttons)
    FEATURE* 1Program External Autodial onto a Memory Button
    FEATURE* 2Program Internal Autodial onto a Memory Button
    FEATURE* 3Program a Feature to a Memory Button
    FEATURE* 4Program Personal Speed Dial
    FEATURE* 501English Language (LCD Display)
    FEATURE* 502Alternate Language #1 (French)
    FEATURE* 503Alternate Language #2 (Spanish)
    FEATURE* 6Ring Type
    FEATURE* 7Display Contrast Adjustment
    FEATURE* 80Ring Volume Adjustment
    FEATURE* 81Move Lines
    FEATURE* 82Dialing Mode
    FEATURE* 84Call Log
    FEATURE* 85Assign Call Log Password
    FEATURE* 89Release
    FEATURE* 9Store Breakpoint on One Memory Button

    Features without the * can be programmed into a button using Feature * 3

    FEATURE0Speed Dial
    FEATURE1Send Message                (to cancel press Feature # 1)
    FEATURE2Ring Again                      (to cancel press Feature # 2)
    FEATURE4Call Forward to Extension (to cancel press Feature # 4)
    FEATURE5Last Number Re-dial
    FEATURE60Page General
    FEATURE61Page to Internal Page Zone
    FEATURE62Page External
    FEATURE63Page to a Page Zone and External Page
    FEATURE64(LP)Line Pool Access (can program a linepool to a button)
    FEATURE65Reply to Message     (to cancel press Feature # 65)
    FEATURE66Voice Call (to Page an extension)
    FEATURE67Save Number Redial
    FEATURE68Class of Service
    FEATURE69Priority Call
    FEATURE71Link (Flash)
    FEATURE72Timed Release
    FEATURE74Call Park
    FEATURE75Call Pickup
    FEATURE76Directed Pickup
    FEATURE77Call Duration Timer
    FEATURE78Pause (insert 1.5 sec delay)
    FEATURE79Exclusive Hold
    FEATURE82Call Camp (Camp On)
    FEATURE83Privacy on Lines
    FEATURE84Line Re-direction (External)
    FEATURE85Do Not Disturb (DND)            (to cancel press Feature # 85)
    FEATURE86Background Music (key click)    (to cancel press Feature # 86)
    FEATURE87Night Service                (to cancel press Feature # 87)
    FEATURE88Voice Call Deny            (to cancel press Feature # 88)
    FEATURE800Trunk Answer
    FEATURE801Voice Queuing
    FEATURE802Group Listen
    FEATURE803Check Time & Date during a call
    FEATURE805Station Set Test
    FEATURE806Static Time & Date
    FEATURE808Long Tones (DTMF)
    FEATURE811Called ID info
    FEATURE812View Call Log
    FEATURE813Manual Call Log
    FEATURE819Outgoing Name and Number Blocking
    FEATURE870View Active Services
    FEATURE871Ringing Service
    FEATURE872Restriction Service
    FEATURE873Routing Service
    FEATURE# codeCancels a Feature

    Voice Mail Feature Codes

    FEATURE980To Leave a Message in Another Mail Box
    FEATURE981To Open your Mail Box (Default Password: 0 0 0 0)
    FEATURE982Operator Status
    FEATURE983Enter System Administration (password required)
    FEATURE985Identify the Extension Number Voice Mail is using
    FEATURE986To Transfer a Call to Another Mail Box
    FEATURE987To Interrupt a Caller in your Mail Box
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    Adding licenses to IP Office

    Various IP Office features and applications require entry of license keys into the system’s configuration. License keys are unique 32-character codes based on the feature being activated and the Feature Key Dongle (System SD Card) serial number.

    The serial number is printed on the Feature Key Dongle and prefixed with (IP500) or FK (IP500 V2). It can also be viewed in the system configuration using IP Office Manager. You’ll need this number to order a new License key for a new feature.

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    Listen to another extension in IP Office

    Monitor (Listen to) a call on another extension(Compliments of Kyle L Holladay, Sr, R.I.P.)

    In this example we will program the IP Office to allow extension 1152 to listen to (Call Listen) extension 1153. While we will focus on the Call Listen feature in this example the programming for Call Intrude is identical with the exception of the button programmed to perform the Listen/Intrude action.

    Call Listen: allows one user to listen in on another user’s call but does not allow that user to be an active participant. This is a “listen only” feature.
    Call Intrude: allows one user to intrude on another user’s call thus becomming a full participant in the conversation. The use of the MUTE feature can make this a listen only action however the intruding party can fully participate in the voice conversation at any time.

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    Edit IP Office config in Excel

    Editing an IP Office configuration in Excel(Compliments of Kyle L Holladay, Sr, R.I.P.)

    Many items in your IP Office configuration can be edited directly in the configuration.csv file outside of the Manager application saving a large amount of time. This guide will provide basic information on how to export your configuraiton.csv and edit select User information. Until you are comfortable with this method I would suggest that you limit its use to a lab environment

    Note: You MUST NOT add nor delete any records when using this method. (i.e. you cannot add/delete an extension, user, incoming call route). You must create all records in Manager before doing your Export. You can then modify the information associated with that record using the method below.

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