Setting Up Hot-Desking on Avaya IP Office

The Hot-Desking features of the Avaya IP office 500 system allow you to log on at any phone and that phone will then take on the features of your original phone including your extension number, any call forwarding options or pickup group settings. This can be especially useful if you sometimes work at a different location or in fact don’t have one fixed workspace. In order for you to be able to use this feature and log in to a phone you need to get your system administrator to assign you a login code.  The very cool thing with IP office Hot-Desking, it doe NOT matter what the origination or destination set is going to be…  Meaning, you can have an IP phone normally, but hot desk to an analog conference phone, or a 2 button digital phone.

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Create a Check-Hours Module in Voicemail Pro

Create a checkHours Module for all US Federal Holidays Kyle L Holladay, Sr, R.I.P.  This is just a subset of the AWESOME SBC (Standard Base Config) that Kyle created for IPO/Voicemail Pro, Downloaded here..

This document will provide instruction on how to create a checkHours module that can be dropped into your Voicemail Pro call flows that will allow all US Federal Holidays as defined by 5 U.S.C 6103 plus an additional 3 custom holiday conditions. Additionally this module will allow for 4 separate office hours to accomodate multiple offices or varying hours in different departments. Here is an example of how this new checkHours module can be used to route between a day and night auto attendant. The holiday greeting is played prior to the AA greeting and should be recorded similar to “Please note our offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday in recognition of the Thanks Giving Holiday” which would be followed typically by the night menu of something similar to “Thank you for calling Acme Toy Company, you’ve reached us outside of our normal business hours…”

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IP office Debug Commands

IP Office AT-DEBUG Commands
Compiled by Kyle L Holladay, Sr. R.I.P.

upgradeErase Code and Reboot/reload
erasenvconfigErase NV config
eraseconfigErase config
qbfSend Fox messages to WAN and MGR
call(service)Call the specified service
fecpramList FCC parameter data
fecstatsList FCC traffic statistics
fecrmonEnable/disable FCC RMON counters
fectraceEnable/disable FCC debug tracing (needs debug build)
fecrestartRestart FCC transmitter
pcmciaShow current PCMCIA status
crc6Display CRC-6 error count
tiSend cmd to Ti/Telogy stack
atmcmsDump status of CM ATM lines
atmcfg(lineid)Change configuration of an ATM trunk
atmdump(lineid)Dumps configuration of an ATM trunk
atmdiag(on|off)Turn on/off the ATM diagnostic logging
echo(on|off)Turn on/off the ATM Echo cancellation if enabled in configuration
atm4trunksDump status of ATM4U trunks
atm4lin(a|b|c|d)Show/change status of ATM4U lines
dspatver(a|b|c|d)Report version number of ATM4U card in Slot A/B
dspatmem(a|b|c|d)Read/Write to ATM4U card in Slot A/Bs DSP memory
dspathpi(a|b|c|d)Thrash or stop HPI accesses (to DSP) for ATM4U card in Slot A-D
atm4usc(a|b|c|d)Send Vinetic Short Command to ATM4U card in Slot A-D
atm4urmb(a|b|c|d)Read Vinetic Mailbox command from ATM4U card in Slot A-D
atm4uwmb(a|b|c|d)Write Vinetic Mailbox command to ATM4U card in Slot A-D
atm4ucram(a|b|c|d)Write Vinetic CRAM Data to ATM4U card in Slot A-D
atm4ulow(a|b|c|d)Set ATM4 Vinetic processor in low power mode in Slot A-D
atm4uhigh(a|b|c|d)Set ATM4 Vinetic processor in high power mode in Slot A-D
use_diag_cmduse diag commands
conferdspRead current status of Conferencing DSP
conferdspmemRead/Write to Conferencing DSP memory
conferdspchCompare DSP Image words against what is stored in DSP memory
dspt1a/bRead/Write to T1 card in Slot A/B’s DSP memory
switchdumpDump all the registers on the Ethernet Switch
switchportconfigure one of the PHY ports on the switch
switchreadRead a register on the Ethernet Switch
switchwriteWrite a register on the Ethernet Switch
vcmreadRead an SPI register on VCM ethernet switch
vcmwriteWrite an SPI register on VCM ethernet switch
vcmportconfigure one of the PHY ports on the VCM switch
phydumpDump all the registers from the PHY connected to the LAN2/WAN port
phyreadRead register from PHY
phywriteWrite register on PHY
lanstatusDisplay the connection status of the external LAN/WAN links
Perform G&D SmartCard commands (e.g. “gnd speed”)
Perform BRI commands (e.g. “bri dsp”)
Display DSP version information
Display DSP message queue information
Enable/Disable DSP debug trace
Load and run DSP image
DSP memory edit
DSP message queue test write
DSP message queue test read
Print DSP statistics
Run alarm simulations
Receiver equalizer RAM modifications
read a command/control register
read a data register
select a memory page
perform a paged read
perform a paged write
perform a direct read
perform a direct write
read the revision code
perform a memory test
run the Legerity QuickStart application
initialise the subsystem
close down the subsystem
display device options
display port options
display device data
display port data
set the codec law for a port
cause a line to ring
dial a number
use the message waiting indicator
display status
runs a test on a port
set line gains
apply power to an ETR phone
execute a low-level command
dumps registers for a port
display a profile
set the DTE print level
ipstatsDump IP/ICMP/TCP/UDP stats
ivm-helpEmbedded Voicemail Commands
ivm-mbox-showShow mailboxes
ivm-mbox-showShow contents of specified mailbox
ivm-mbox-clearClear specified mailbox
ivm-msg-delnnn dd/dd/dd hh:mm:ssDelete specified message
ivm-msg-del-allDelete all voicemail messages
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SIP Flowroute to IP Office R5

SIP Trunking between Avaya IP Office R5 and Flowroute by
Kyle L Holladay, Sr R.I.P

In this example we will configure a SIP trunk between the Avaya IP Office and Flowroute using registration on LAN1 behind a firewall/NAT. Alternative configurations would include a static public IP or static IP behind a NAT/Firewall which will not be covered in this document.

NOTE: Flowroute claims T.38 version 0 support as of May 2009 however I have not been able to successfully negotiate any T.38 traffic at this point using version 0 at 9600bps and IP Office EI version 5.0 due to a requirement by Flowroute of information in the INVITE that the IP Office does not currently support. Thus far Flowroute’s technical support has been responsive and helpful. The call quality has been fantastic, far beyond what I have come to expect from other ITSP (over the Internet SIP providers).

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SIP Flowroute to IP Office R9

SIP Trunking between Avaya IP Office R9 and Flowroute by
Kyle L Holladay, Sr R.I.P

In this example we will configure a SIP trunk between the Avaya IP Office and Flowroute using registration on LAN1 behind a firewall/NAT. Alternative configurations would include a static public IP or static IP behind a NAT/Firewall which will not be covered in this document.


NOTE: Flowroute claims T.38 version 0 support as of May 2009 however I have not been able to successfully negotiate any T.38 at this point, using version 0 at 9600bps and IP Office EI version 5.0 due to a requirement by Flowroute of information in the INVITE that the IP Office does not currently support. Thus far Flowroute’s technical support has been responsive and helpful. The call quality has been fantastic, far beyond what I have come to expect from other ITSP (over the Internet SIP providers).

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IP Office Default Short codes

Most IP Office control units are available in A-Law and μ-Law models. Typically μ-Law models are supplied to North American locales, A-Law models are supplied to the rest of the world. In addition to the using different default for digital lines and phone, A-Law and μ-Law models support different default short codes. The following table lists the default system short codes present in IP Office Release 5+ system’s configuration.

Short CodeTelephone
*00BlankCancel All Forwarding
*01BlankForward Unconditional On
*02BlankForward Unconditional Off
*03BlankForward ON Busy On
*04BlankForward ON Busy Off
*05BlankForward ON No Answer On
*06BlankForward ON No Answer Off
*07*N#Forward Number
*08BlankDo Not Disturb On
*09BlankDo Not Disturb Off
*10*N#Do Not Disturb Exception Add
*11*N#Do Not Disturb Exception Del
*12*N#Follow Me Here
*13*N#Follow Me Here Cancel
*14*N#Follow Me To
*15BlankCall Waiting On
*16BlankCall Waiting Off
*17?UVoicemail Collect
*18BlankVoicemail On
*19BlankVoicemail Off
*20*N#Set Hunt Group Night Service
*21*N#Clear Hunt Group Night Service
*22*N#Suspend Call
*23*N#Resume Call
*24*N#Hold Call
*25*N#Retrieve Call
*26Clear CW
*27*N#Hold CW
*28*N#Suspend CW
*29BlankToggle Calls
*30BlankCall Pickup Any
*31BlankCall Pickup Group
*32*N#Call Pickup Extn
*33*N#Call Queue
*34N;Hold Music
*35*N#Extn Login
*36BlankExtn Logout
*37*N#Park Call
*38*N#Unpark Call
*391Relay On
*401Relay Off
*411Relay Pulse
*422Relay On
*432Relay Off
*442Relay Pulse
*45*N#Acquire Call
*46BlankAcquire Call
*47BlankConference Add
*48BlankVoicemail Ringback On
*49BlankVoicemail Ringback Off
*50BlankForward Huntgroup On
*51BlankForward Huntgroup Off
*52BlankCancel or Deny
*53*N#Call Pickup Members
*57*N#Forward On Busy Number
*70BlankCall Waiting Suspend
*70*N#Dial Physical Extn By Number
*71*N#Dial Physical Extn By ID
*9000*“MAINTENANCE”Relay On
*91N;N”.1″Record Message
*92N;N”.2″Record Message


N – Match Any Digits
Matches any dialed digits (including none). The Dial Delay Time or a following matching character is used to resolve when dialing is complete.

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How do I configure Monitor to Troubleshoot IP Office issues

IP Office Ports (Compliments of Kyle L Holladay Sr.,  R.I.P.)

Exporting Your IP Office Config File.

  • Launch the IP Office Manager application.
  • Click on the File menu in the upper left corner of the screen and click Open Configuration.
  • From the “Select IP Office” window click on the check box next to your IP Office control unit then click OK.
  • Enter your login credentials and click OK. The standard username/password are the word “Administrator” with a capital A (no quotations).
  • Once the configuration has been pulled from the unit click on the File menu and select Save Configuration As.
  • From the Save As window locate the desired folder, perhaps the Desktop, to place the saved file and click Save.
  • If you are going to email this file you will want to compress it into a .zip as most email servers will not allow transmission of a .cfg file In Windows you should be able to right click on the .cfg file you just exported and select Send To>Compressed (zipped) folder.
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    Standard Base Config by Kyle L Holladay Sr

    IP Office Standardized Base Configuration
    Designed and maintained by
    Kyle L Holladay Sr.  July 18, 1973 – March 26, 2013 (R.I.P.)

    Build 121911 for IP Office R8 (Initial Release)



    The standardized Base Configuration is intended to provide a fully customizable platform based on a consistent and stable base configuration for IP Office and Voicemail Pro implementations. I designed the original standard base configuration 2005 to unify the varied programming methods used by individual IP Office technicians within the same organization. By building each configuration based on a standardized core, the end-user’s experience is unified resulting in a higher level of customer satisfaction and a much lower learning curve for support staff.

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    Ports used by IP Office/IPOCC

    IP Office Ports

    * Indicates that the port and or protocol can be changed.

    TCP25*SMTPEmail system alarms from the IP Office to SMTP server. For IP Office 4.2 also used for Voicemail Email on Embedded Voicemail.
    UDP37TimeTime requests from the IP Office to a Time Server (RFC868).
    UDP53DNSDomain Name Service responses.
    UDP67BOOTP/DHCPDHCP server operation.
    UDP68BOOTP/DHCPDHCP client operation.
    UDP69TFTPFile requests to the IP Office.
    UDP161*SNMPFrom SNMP applications.
    UDP162*SNMP TrapTo addresses set in the IP Office configuration.
    UDP500IKEKey exchange for IPSec protocol.
    TCP389*LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol.
    UDP520RIPTo and from the IP Office to other RIP devices. For RIP1 and RIP2 (RIP1 compatible) the destination address is a subnet broadcast, eg. For RIP2 Multicast the destination address is
    UDP1701L2TPLayer 2 tunneling protocol.
    UDP1718H.323H.323 Discovery
    UDP1719H.323 RASH.323 Status. VoIP device registering with the IP Office.
    UDP1720H.323/H.245H.323 Signalling. Data to a registered VoIP device.
    UDP2127UDPPC Wallboard to CCC Wallboard Server.
    UDP3478SIPPort used for STUN requests from the IP Office to the SIP provider.
    UDP/TDP*5060SIPSIP Line Signalling
    TCP8080HTTPBrowser access to the Delta Server application.
    UDP8089EnconfFrom the IP Office to the Conferencing Center Server Service. User access to the conference center is direct via HTTP sessions.
    TCP8888HTTPBrowser access to the IP Office ContactStore (VRL) application.
    UDP49152-53247*RTP/RTCPDynamically allocated ports used during VoIP calls for RTP and RTCP traffic. The port range can be adjusted through the System | Gatekeeper tab.
    UDP50791IPO VoicemailTo voicemail server address.
    UDP50793IPO Solo VoicemailFrom IP Office TAPI PC with Wave drive user support.
    UDP50794IPO MonitorFrom the IP Office Monitor application.
    UDP50795IPO Voice NetworkingSmall Community Network signalling (AVRIP) and BLF updates. Each system does a broadcast every 30 seconds. BLF updates are sent required up a maximum of every 0.5 seconds.
    UDP50796IPO PCPartnerFrom an IP Office application (for example Phone Manager or SoftConsole). Used to initiate a session between the IP Office and the application.
    UDP50797IPO TAPIFrom an IP Office TAPI user PC.
    UDP50798(UDP)IP Office Manager and UpgradeWizard
    UDP50799IPO BLFBroadcast to the IP Office LAN and the first 10 IP addresses registered from other subnets.
    UDP50800IPO License DongleTo the License Server IP Address set in the IP Office configuration.
    UDP50801EConfConference Center Service to IP Office.
    TCP50802DiscoveryIP Office discovery from Manager.
    TCP50804*HTTPIP Office configuration settings access.
    TCP50805*HTTPSTLS Secure
    TCP50808*HTTPIP Office system status access.
    TCP50812*HTTPIP Office security settings access.
    TCP50813*HTTPSTLS Secure

    IPOCC Ports

    Pictures work better, so here are the listing of parts that IPOCC uses to communicate.  Used_TCP_Ports_IPOCC

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    Set Up SIP trunk with on IP Office

    Setting up a SIP trunk between the IP Office and (Compliments of Kyle L Holladay Sr.,  R.I.P.)

    In this example we will configure a SIP trunk between the Avaya IP Office and using a static IP address assigned to LAN1 behind a firewall/NAT. Alternative configurations would include registration which is supported by for users with a dynamic IP addresses or you could assign a public IP to the IP Office on LAN2 outside of your firewall/NAT.


    First we need to obtain the IP address of the SIP server. Because the IP Office does not use DNS to resolve the name of the SIP server you will want to use PING on your PC to resolve this name. From your computer enter ping from the command line (CMD) and make note of the IP address that is returned. From this point on we will use to refer to the SIP server.
    Use CMD to ping

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