Token Redemption with IPOSS ONBoarding

The new Avaya token process will be easier for partners to get the customer registered and apply the IPOSS, in 24 hours instead of 4-6 days.

First, you must purchase your IPOSS token from distribution, what you get? Its a piece of paper, showing IPOSS token numbers and what the contract terms are, etc.



Now, you will need to go to On the left you will see a button for “Account Creation”, click that.




Now, select the country where the account is located, and enter the Link ID of the partner. Click Next






Enter the account address, and press search.




If there is no match to the address you entered, you will see a note under the search buttons, so enter all the information, and click Next.



If there WAS a match (or matches) you will see a screen like the below. Green are likely matches, yellow indicates portions might match. If an account already exists, select it, and click Next




Now we need to enter the Token number. Once entered, press “Validate”. If token is valid, you will see a green “Token Validated” notification.


*Note. If the account is located in the European market, you will need to enter the “VAT No.” before continuing


Once you hit Next, you will be brought to a page that includes Account number, Name, etc, with a confirmation that the account was created. Note this account number for the redeeming of the Token in later steps.

Now you can hit the home button.



Now, we need to redeem or apply the token. Back on the GRT home page ( you will see on the left, “Token Redemption”, press that.


You will be prompted for the “Token ID”. After entering, press Next.



The next screen will display the token number, and the distributor name, as well as a description of the contract terms. The Link ID field will be populated based on the credentials used to log into GRT. If this is not the correct LinkID, IE: another partner is doing the registration, enter the correct Link ID. This LinkID will own the customer.



On the next screen you will enter the Account number from the account that was previously created. Fill in and press “Lookup”



If correct account information is on the next screen, you will press the “Redeem Token” button of the next screen, you will the contract number.



On the next screen, you will the contract number. 


You will then also receive an email, with a confirmation of token redemption. This will list the token number and status, contract information as well as customer information.



Now that we have IPOSS applied to the customer, we now need to register the equipment.

Browse to the IP Office IP address, and select “IP Office Web Management”


Navigate to the on-boarding screen, and click “Get Inventory File”, this will initiate a quick download of an “inventory.xml” file. Save that file somewhere. (9.0 screen shown. 8.1 uses same steps, but screen looks a bit different)




Now go back to the GRT site (Http:// and from the left select “Create New Registration”. That will expand a menu, and then select “IP Office w/Onboarding Functionality V8.1 and Higher”



Enter the customers “Sold-To/FL Number”



Once the Sold to is selected, you will be taken to a screen to verify the sold to and contact information. Complete any empty fields. Click Continue at the bottom.


Under technical onboarding, it asks if you would like to establish Remote Connectivity for the IP Office. Selecting yes, will generate the On boarding file for SSL connectivity. Selecting NO, will not generate the Onboarding file and thus, no SSL VPN connection will be made between the IP office and the Avaya Service Center.


If you selected YES, then you will want to click the “Browse” button, and browse to the “inventory.xml” file we just downloaded from the IP office. Select the proper “Company Information” and press Next.


In the next screen “Install Base Creation”, any existing equipment assigned to that customer number will appear. Below that, any hardware included in the XML file will be displayed. You can modify any fields that may be incorrect. If there are errors, they will be outlined in red. You will also be able to add any hardware that might not be automatically done so.

Click Submit when done making changes.



You will get a pop up that asks for confirmation to continue, just press yes.






Now you get another pop up indicating success, and that you will receive an email.



Selecting OK, will navigate you to the Registration List page and you will receive an “In Process” notification via email.

If you selected Yes to the “establish remote connectivity”, GRT will automatically initiate the Technical Onboarding of the control unit.


Shortly after completing Install Base Creation, contact who registered the account, will receive several emails denoting the progress. When complete, an email indicating that technical registration is complete will arrive. This will contain an attachment of an “IPO-Onboarding.xml” file. Save that file.


Now, return to the web management screen in the IP Office, and select onboarding again. This time we will press the browse button on the bottom, and locate the xml file that was in the email we just got. Once you browse to that file, you will be able to press the “Upload” button.


BOOM, bob’s your uncle!



If we want to now check to make sure that the SSL connection is up, we need to open System Status Application and log in.


Under IP Networking you will see the status of the SSL VPN. If you select it, you will see the IP address the unit is connecting to etc….






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