IP 500v2 Release 12

IP Office Release 12

IP Office Release 12 is planned for general availability by April 30, 2024 and here’s what to expect with the update.

OS Change to Rocky Linux

The backend OS for Server Edition and Application Servers is changing from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 9. This is coming just in time since CentOS 7 is slated to be end-of-life as of June 30, 2024. It also means that the upgrade is more complex than some previous major releases. It is, however, expected to be much the same as the process was for going from R11.0 to R11.1. Fortunately, Rocky Linux should be much easier to upgrade than the process was for CentOS 6 > CentOS 7 > Rocky Linux 9.

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Avaya IP Office Server Edition Backup Settings

IP Office Server Edition Backup

Often, we get questions from customers on how to do a backup to Server Edition.  It is pretty easy, but most commonly I am finding that people are trying to save the Primary servers backup on the secondary and vice-a-verse.

Get Fingerprint Info!

IMPORTANT! If you might be restoring the backup to different server hardware, it is vital to get the fingerprint/UUID information with these 2 commands per Avaya’s documentation:

ipoffice get_fingerparms 2>&1 | grep “^FP_”

ipoffice get_fingerprint


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Basics of Virtualization with IP Office

Updated for 9.1

This is not intended to be the only document needed for implementation, but merely to spell out the general steps needed to begin deployment.

The first benefit of Virtualized Server Edition, is that there is no hardware or server to purchase. You can have an SCN of any mixture of virtual, server based or IP500 appliances in that SCN.

For EVERY virtual server edition, you will need a “Virtual Server Edition” license (275694-IPO R9 VRTULZD SE ADI LIC) and for every server based and/or IP500 appliance, you will need a “Server Edition” license (275658-IPO R9 SE ADI LIC).

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