Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate setup for Avaya IPOCC Windows with IP Office

IPOCC with LetsEncrypt Certificates

Using Lets Encrypt Certificates for Signed Certificates in

IP Office Contact Center

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for configuring Lets Encrypt certificates in IP Office Contact Center (IPOCC) and enable automatic updates to provide Signed Certificate validation for clients



Before you Begin

DNS Records

Web Server Installation

Using Apache Tomcat as the Web Server

Using Internet Information Server as the Web Server

Installing OpenSSL

Installing Win-ACME service for Lets Encrypt

Creating the Certificates

Creating Certificates using IIS

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Ports used by IP Office/IPOCC

IP Office Ports

* Indicates that the port and or protocol can be changed.

TCP25*SMTPEmail system alarms from the IP Office to SMTP server. For IP Office 4.2 also used for Voicemail Email on Embedded Voicemail.
UDP37TimeTime requests from the IP Office to a Time Server (RFC868).
UDP53DNSDomain Name Service responses.
UDP67BOOTP/DHCPDHCP server operation.
UDP68BOOTP/DHCPDHCP client operation.
UDP69TFTPFile requests to the IP Office.
UDP161*SNMPFrom SNMP applications.
UDP162*SNMP TrapTo addresses set in the IP Office configuration.
UDP500IKEKey exchange for IPSec protocol.
TCP389*LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol.
UDP520RIPTo and from the IP Office to other RIP devices. For RIP1 and RIP2 (RIP1 compatible) the destination address is a subnet broadcast, eg. For RIP2 Multicast the destination address is
UDP1701L2TPLayer 2 tunneling protocol.
UDP1718H.323H.323 Discovery
UDP1719H.323 RASH.323 Status. VoIP device registering with the IP Office.
UDP1720H.323/H.245H.323 Signalling. Data to a registered VoIP device.
UDP2127UDPPC Wallboard to CCC Wallboard Server.
UDP3478SIPPort used for STUN requests from the IP Office to the SIP provider.
UDP/TDP*5060SIPSIP Line Signalling
TCP8080HTTPBrowser access to the Delta Server application.
UDP8089EnconfFrom the IP Office to the Conferencing Center Server Service. User access to the conference center is direct via HTTP sessions.
TCP8888HTTPBrowser access to the IP Office ContactStore (VRL) application.
UDP49152-53247*RTP/RTCPDynamically allocated ports used during VoIP calls for RTP and RTCP traffic. The port range can be adjusted through the System | Gatekeeper tab.
UDP50791IPO VoicemailTo voicemail server address.
UDP50793IPO Solo VoicemailFrom IP Office TAPI PC with Wave drive user support.
UDP50794IPO MonitorFrom the IP Office Monitor application.
UDP50795IPO Voice NetworkingSmall Community Network signalling (AVRIP) and BLF updates. Each system does a broadcast every 30 seconds. BLF updates are sent required up a maximum of every 0.5 seconds.
UDP50796IPO PCPartnerFrom an IP Office application (for example Phone Manager or SoftConsole). Used to initiate a session between the IP Office and the application.
UDP50797IPO TAPIFrom an IP Office TAPI user PC.
UDP50798(UDP)IP Office Manager and UpgradeWizard
UDP50799IPO BLFBroadcast to the IP Office LAN and the first 10 IP addresses registered from other subnets.
UDP50800IPO License DongleTo the License Server IP Address set in the IP Office configuration.
UDP50801EConfConference Center Service to IP Office.
TCP50802DiscoveryIP Office discovery from Manager.
TCP50804*HTTPIP Office configuration settings access.
TCP50805*HTTPSTLS Secure
TCP50808*HTTPIP Office system status access.
TCP50812*HTTPIP Office security settings access.
TCP50813*HTTPSTLS Secure


Pictures work better, so here are the listing of parts that IPOCC uses to communicate.  Used_TCP_Ports_IPOCC

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