Reset Security Passwords in IP Office

Passwords can be reset to default values via the RS232 (DTE) Maintenance port on the back of the IP Office.

DTE Port Settings:

  • Access to the DTE port requires a (straight) serial cable between your PC/Laptop and the IP Office.
  • Configure PuTTY, HyperTerminal, etc, for serial as follows: 38,400 – 8 – N – 1 – None – VT100


Enter the following commands (in bold) when the IPOffice is running normally. (Do no press ESC during startup!):

Press ESC key... 
Enter "00E007092AD5" to continue     (the LAN1 port MAC address is displayed)
00E007092AD5                         (enter the number displayed above)
Tue 25/2/2014 14:50:48, Hello>reboot

Note: You can reboot the IP Office either from at-debug or the Manager program – Advanced menu.

After the system reboots, you should be able to login with the default passwords.

Default Service Users:

NamePasswordRoleRights Group
AdministratorAdministratorThese are the default accounts used for system configuration using the IP Office Manager application.Administrator, Customer Admin, System Status Group.
ManagerManagerCustomer Admin, Manager, System Status.
OperatorOperatorCustomer Admin, Operator, System Status.
EnhTcpaServiceEnhTcpaPwd1This account is used for one-X Portal for IP Office connections to the system.TCPA Group.
SCN_AdminThis account is used for multiple system configuration using the Small Community Network Management features.Administrator Group, System Status Group.
IPDECTServiceThis account is used for DECT R4 system provisioning via an IP DECT trunk.IPDECT Group.
SMGRB5800AdminSMGRB5800AdminThis account is used for web based configuration services.SGMR Admin
secureusersecureuserSecurity Admin
securitysecuritypwdThis account is used for creating service Users thru the Manager > Security settings.Maintainer

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