DTE Port Programming

This procedure will allow you to reconfigure an Avaya IP Office back to factory defaults if you don’t know the units IP Address or password using the DTE serial port on the back of an IP Office Control Unit.


The DTE port on the back of an IP Office Control Unit is not normally used when configuring an IP Office system. However the DTE port can be used to erase the system’s operational software and/or configuration if necessary.

Due to the drastic nature of these actions they should only be performed if absolutely necessary to return a system back to working order. In either case you must ensure that you have a backup copy of the system configuration.

DTE Port Settings

Access to the DTE port requires a serial cable between your PC/Laptop and the IP Office (such as a standard modem cable).

DTE PORT on 403 & 406v1 units: 25 pin.
DTE PORT on SOE, 406v2 & 412 units: 9 pin.

Also required is an asynchronous terminal program such as HyperTerminal, or minicom (OS X).

Configure the terminal program as follows:

  • Bits per second: 38,400.
  • Data bits: 8.
  • Parity: None.
  • Stop Bits: 1.
  • Flow Control: None.
  • Settings | Emulation: TTY or VT100.

Finding Out the Loader Version

It may sometimes be necessary to find out the version of Loader software on the IP Office Control Unit.

  1. Switch off power to the IP Office Control Unit.
  2. Attach the serial cable between the PC and the DTE port on the IP Office Control Unit.
  3. Start the terminal program on your PC. Ensure that it has been setup as listed in DTE Port Settings above.
    (within the terminal program, the current settings are summarized across the base of the screen).
  4. Power on the IP Office Control Unit and press the escape key every second until you get a Loader message. Example:PremiSys Loader 0.6 (4MB-2xLV160 Flash-120nS SDRAM-10)
    CPU Revision 0x0501
  5. To return the IP Office Control Unit to normal operation switch power to it off and then back on.
  6. Close the terminal program session.

Erasing the Flash Configuration

This process erases the configuration held in the IP Office Control Unit’s Flash memory. Following this action, when rebooted all aspects of the configuration will be return to their factory defaults.

Note: Ensure that you have a backup copy of the IP Office’s configuration before performing this action.
  1. Switch off power to the IP Office Control Unit.
  2. Attach the serial cable between the PC and the DTE port on the IP Office Control Unit.
  3. Start the terminal program on your PC. Ensure that it has been setup as listed in DTE Port Settings above.
    (within the terminal program, the current settings are summarized across the base of the screen).
  4. Power on the Control Unit and press the escape key every second until you get a Loader message.
  5. Enter AT (note upper case). The Control Unit should respond OK.
  6. Enter AT-X2. The Control Unit should respond 0x0200C000H Erase.
  7. Enter AT-X3. The Control Unit should respond 0x02001000H Erase.
  8. Switch power to the Control Unit off and then back on.
    Within the terminal program, you should see various messages as the Control Unit performs various start up tasks.
  9. Close the terminal program session.
  10. You can now use Manager to alter and then upload an old configuration file or receive and edit the Control Unit’s now defaulted configuration.

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