Migrate Windows Voicemail Pro to Linux

With the UCM and the introduction of the Application Server, we no longer need to give money to Bill Gates or the Evil Empire (Microsoft).  Then, once that took off, Avaya used that as a base, for Server Edition.  

If you are scared that you will need to learn Linux, in order to work on treh UCM/Application Server/Server Edition, then fear no more.  Think about it, we just use clients to program things….One-X Portal uses WebAdmin; IP Office uses Manager (or web manager); Voicemail Pro uses a client.  SO nothing Linux yet.

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Avaya IP Office Server Edition Backup Settings

IP Office Server Edition Backup

Often, we get questions from customers on how to do a backup to Server Edition.  It is pretty easy, but most commonly I am finding that people are trying to save the Primary servers backup on the secondary and vice-a-verse.

Get Fingerprint Info!

IMPORTANT! If you might be restoring the backup to different server hardware, it is vital to get the fingerprint/UUID information with these 2 commands per Avaya’s documentation:

ipoffice get_fingerparms 2>&1 | grep “^FP_”

ipoffice get_fingerprint


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