Unconditional Forward to Voicemail

This section contains topics looking at how users can have their calls automatically redirected.  As illustrated, there is an order of priority in which the redirect methods are used.


Do Not Disturb (DND) Follow Me Forward Unconditional Forward on Busy Forward on No Answer
  1. Do Not Disturb (DND)

    Redirect all calls to voicemail if available, otherwise return busy tone. DND overrides all the redirect method below unless the calling number is in the user’s DND Exception Numbers List.

  2. Follow Me

    Redirect all calls to another extension that the users is temporarily sharing. Follow Me overrides Forward Unconditional. The Follow Me destination is busy or does not answer, the user’s Forward on Busy or Forward on No Answer options can be used if set.

  3. Forward Unconditional

    Redirect the user’s external calls to another number. That number can be any number the user can normally dial including external numbers. Forwarding of hunt group and internal calls is optional. Forward Unconditional overrides Forward on Busy and Forward on No Answer.

    If the destination is an internal user on the same system, they are able to transfer calls back to the user, overriding the Forward Unconditional.

  4. Forward on Busy

    Redirects the user’s external calls when the system sees the user as being busy. Uses the same number as Forward Unconditional unless a separate Forward on Busy Number is set. Forwarding internal calls is optional. Forward on Busy overrides Forward on No Answer.

  5. Forward on No Answer

    Redirects the user’s external calls when they ring for longer than the user’s No Answer Time. Uses the same number as Forward Unconditional unless a separate Forward on Busy Number is set. Forwarding internal calls is optional.

Retrieving Externally Forwarded Calls

Where a call is forwarded to an external destination and receives busy or is not answered within the forwarding user’s No Answer Time, the system will attempt to retrieve the call. If forwarded on a trunk that does not indicate its state the call is assumed to have been answered, for example analog loop start trunks.

Off-Switch Forwarding Restrictions

User forwarding is subject to the same restrictions as transferring calls. To bar a user from forwarding calls to an external number, the Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfers (User | Telephony | Supervisor Settings) option. To bar all users from forwarding calls to external numbers the Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfers option can be used.

When transferring a call to another extension that has forwarding enabled, the type of call being transferred is used. For example, if transferring an external call, if the transfer target has forwarding of external calls enabled then the forward is used.

Block Forwarding

The Block Forwarding setting is used for enforcing predictable call routing, where the call should always go to the same destination. This setting was implemented for contact center applications.

Block Forwarding can be set for a user on the User | Forwarding page or as a user rights setting on the User Rights | Forwarding page.

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