Internet Access

IP Office provides shared, secure, high-speed access to the internet via exchange lines (Central Office), digital leased lines or IP VPN services.

IP Office handles internet security with an integrated firewall removing the need for a standalone firewall. System administrators can configure the firewall to accommodate a variety of situations and to control who can access external resources and when.

The firewall isolates private networks from the internet, ensuring that the network remains beyond the reach of hackers, while allowing service quotas to be set against a remote access service to ensure authorized users can gain access. Service Quotas place a time limit on outgoing calls to a particular IP Service so limiting costs.

Each service can be configured with an alternative fall back, for example, to connect to an ISP during working hours and at other times take advantage of varying call charges from an alternative ISP. Or, set up one service to connect during peak times and another to act as fallback during the cheaper period.

Figure 1. Internet access

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