Incoming Call Routing

Intelligent call routing makes routing decisions based on any or all of the following criteria:

  • Digits from the exchange such as DDI/DID or ISDN MSN

  • Calling phone number or Caller ID or part of the number received such as an area code

  • ISDN sub-address

  • ISDN/PRI service type such as Voice Call or Data Call

For example, a DDI/DID call to a sales group can be handled differently depending on which part of the country the call is originating from.

Each incoming Call Route supports a secondary destination Night Service that can provide alternative routing for an incoming call based on time of day and day of week criteria, as well as calendar-based routing for specific dates.

Calls that cannot be routed to the configured destination are rerouted to a user-defined Fall Back destination. This can be particularly useful where calls are normally answered by an auto-attendant and a network fault occurs.

Where multiple call routes are set up to the same destination, a priority level can be associated with the call. The priority level determines a call’s queue position in place of simple arrival time.

note Note

calls already ringing a free extension are not considered queuing and are not affected by a high priority call joining a queue (unless the option Assign Call On Agent Answer is selected for that hunt group).

Supervisors can configure a Priority Promotion Timer to increase the priority of calls which have been in the queue for more than a defined time and add and optional tag to calls on the Incoming Call Route, which can be displayed on the alerting phone.

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