Y2K Fix for Voysys Voicemail Systems

Y2K Fix for Voysys and Classic Mail

Setting the date

1 – Login to the Administrator’s mailbox.

2 – Press 9 + password to enter administration

3 – Press 5 to change system parameters

4 – Press 3 to change date and time

5 – Enter the date in the format mm/dd/yy (for 2011 use 91 for the year)

6 – Enter the 4-digit time in 12-hour format (9:45 = 0945)

7 – For AM enter 1, for PM enter 2

Setting the business schedule

1 – Login to the Administrator’s mailbox.

2 – Press 9 + password to enter administration

3 – Press 5 to change system parameters

4 – Press 2 to set the business hour schedule

5 – Use the following chart to designate the days of the week:


1          MONDAY           FRIDAY

2          TUESDAY          SATURDAY

3          WEDNESDAY     SUNDAY

4          THURSDAY        MONDAY

5          FRIDAY             TUESDAY

6          SATURDAY        WEDNESDAY

7          SUNDAY           THURSDAY

6 – Enter the 4-digit opening time entered in 12-hour format (8:00 = 0800)

7 – For AM enter 1, for PM enter 2

8 – Enter the 4-digit closing time in 12-hour format (6:00 = 0600)

9 – For AM enter 1, for PM enter 2

10 – If the business will be closed all day enter 9999 for the opening time


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